Trinity Antivenom
After a venomous snake bite time is of the essence. We enable immediate bite treatment that delays the neurotoxic and tissue damaging effects of the venom, allowing time to seek help.
The Problem
After a venomous snake bite time is of the essence to survival and tissue damage. Antivenoms can be administered in a hospital setting, but their use in the field is limited by the need for specific antivenoms and storage requirements. Valuable time is lost through access to the patient and transport to a suitable medical facility.
The Solution
The offered technology is an agent that is non-specific for the species of snake and has ingredients that are stable under ambient conditions. The agents are mixed upon injection into the bite site and delay tissue degrading effects of the snake venom, providing more time until specific treatment and reducing the long-term aspects.
The Opportunity
This technology offers the opportunity for multiple outlets. One would be for military or first responders who experience encounters with venomous snakes in the line of duty. Additionally, the product can address the civilian outdoor industry of hikers, climbers, and even household exposures.
The agent has shown efficacy on various hemorrhagic and neurotoxic snake venoms in rabbits after pre-mixing prior to injection. A device to affect the mixing of the agent’s components has to be developed, but mixing syringes are established medical devices, opening a short path to product.
Meet the Team

Vance Nielsen MD
College Of Medicine - Tucson

Peter Nestler PhD
Tech Launch Arizona
Contact us today.